Wednesday 4 May 2011

Crafting on the run!

I don't know if you'd noticed yet, but I'm rather fond of crochet! Obviously some projects are a bit big, but I'm often to be found with a ball of wool and a hook sat on a train merrily making hats, bootees, and onesies.

For the enthusistic (obsessed) crocheter, charity makes are an absolute dream. They use up all those little bits of yarn lying around. They're quick, but you can make them as complicated as you like with fancy stitching. And, best of all, you get to make something useful! My charity of choice is

Here's my version of a pattern for prem-sized bootees...

Ch4, join with sl st
htc 4 in ring, sl st to join
ch 1, htc in same, 2 htc in each st around, sl st to join
ch 1 htc around, join with sl st
ch 1 htc around, ch 1 turn
htc across (16 sts) 5 rows
Join the end of the 5th row to the beginning with sl st
Working in row ends, ch1, htc around, sl st to join to form cuff
Work 3 rows then finish for plain, or 6 rows to get a folded cuff.

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